Modifying the Default User Groups

Modifying the default User and Administrator Groups

Intro to Groups

DeployHub Team has three default Groups - Administrators, Everyone and Users. Access control to Objects are based on these three high level Groups. DeployHub Team allows you to create as many Users as required but only the “Users” “Everyone” and “Administrator” Groups are available. You can modify these Groups as needed to create access controls around Objects. If you need to create custom Groups, you will need to upgrade to DeployHub Pro. See Creating Pro User Groups for details on Pro User Groups.

Using the Group List Viewing

You will find Groups under the Setup menu. Selecting Groups will take you to a list of displaying the Administration Group and User Group.

From the Groups List View, double click on the Group which you would like to view to see all Details.

Using the Group Dashboard for Viewing and Editing

The Group Dashboard view displays all information related to a specific Group.

Group Details Section

Groups have the following attributes:

Field Description
Full Domain The fully qualified name of the Domain to which the Data Source was defined.
Group Name The name of the DeployHub Group.
Summary A description of the Group.
Email The Group email address that members of a Group would all have access to, in the event of a notify process.
Created Auto generated date when the Data Source was added.
Modified Auto generated date when the Data Source was updated.
Override Access Control If checked, allows any User belonging to this Group to have control over the entire system, and no access restrictions apply to them. This option creates a Super Group level of Administrator and should only be used for individuals with full administrative privileges.
Users When checked, allows the User to create and add Users to any of the Domains to which they belong.
User Groups When checked, allows the User to create and add Groups to any of the Domains to which they belong.
Domains When checked, allows the User to create and add Subdomains to any of the Domains to which they belong.
Environments When checked, allows the User to create and add Environments to any of the Domains to which they belong.
Endpoints When checked, allows the User to create and add Endpoints to any of the Domains to which they belong.
Repositories When checked, allows the User to create and add Repositories to any of the Domains to which they belong.
Components When checked, allows the User to create and add Components to any of the Domains to which they belong.
Credentials When checked, allows the User to create and add Credentials to any of the Domains to which they belong.
Applications When checked, allows the User to create and add Applications to any of the Domains to which they belong.
Application Versions When checked, allows the User to create and add Application Versions to any of the Domains to which they belong.
Actions When checked, allows the User to create and add Actions to any of the Domains to which they belong.
Procedures When checked, allows the User to create and add Procedures to any of the Domains to which they belong.
Data Sources When checked, allows the User to create and add DataSources to any of the Domains to which they belong.
Notifiers When checked, allows the User to create and add Notifiers to any of the Domains to which they belong.
Build Engines When checked, allows the User to create and add Build Engines to any of the Domains to which they belong.

Group Membership

NOTE: DeployHub creates a Group named “Everyone” whenever it is installed, and every User that is created is added to this group and cannot be removed from it.

This section shows a list of all Users who belong to the selected Group. Click on the plus ‘+Add’ option to add a User to this Group. A new row will be added to the table with a drop down list allowing you to select the User to add to the Group. Select “Save” to commit the row to the table. You can delete a User from the Group using the Delete option.

Audit Trail

The Audit Trail displays audit entries for any changes or deployments that impact this object. It includes any changes in the object including User date and time, and deployments with unique numbers.

You can Subscribe to or Comment on an Audit Entry.

  • Subscribe: Allows you to receive information about the selected deployment.

  • Comment: Add information by clicking on the ‘Comment’ link within a text entry field. There is a field above the list labeled “Say something about this Application” that can have comments placed into it, and files can be attached to the comment as well. Enter text into this field to activate the Add Message button. Click to save the comment.

  • Add Files to Comments: Click on the paperclip icon to add a file to the message. Once added and you made a comment, click “Add Message”. Click on the paperclip icon to retrieve these attachments. The icon opens the line in the list to display the name of the file. Choose the file to download it into the your default Download directory on your local computer.

Last modified June 28, 2020: run markdownlint tidy (1259dc6)