Custom Types

Adding Custom Types for Endpoints.

Intro to Custom Types

Custom Types or found on the Endpoint Dashboard and the Component Dashboard and are used to map a Component to its appropriate Endpoint. For example, a default Endpoint Type is “Application Server.” This maps to a Component defined as an “Application Server.” This mapping allows Endpoints in an Environment to be dynamically assigned Components based the Endpoint Type.

Components map to a single Endpoint, but an Endpoint can map to multiple types of Components. For example, your Endpoint could serve as both your Application Server and Database Server.

You can create your own Endpoint Types for defining this mapping.

Using the Customize Type List View for Adding or Deleting

You will find Customize Types from the left hand side of the DeployHub main panel. Selecting Customize Types will take you to a list of all Custom Types which you have access to. You can also use the Filter bar, represented by a funnel icon, to reorder your Custom Types_ List View based on Type and Domain.

The Custom Type List View has the following Tabs.

Tab Description
Refresh Refreshes the browser.
Add Allows you to Add a new Custom Type.
Delete Deletes the selected item.

From the Custom Type List View, double click on the Custom Type which you would like to view to see all Details.

Using the Custom Type Dashboard for Viewing and Editing

The Custom Type Dashboard view displays all information related to a specific Custom Type.

Custom Type Details

The following details are common to all Custom Type:

Field Description
Full Domain The fully qualified name of the Domain to which the Custom Type was defined.
Name The name of your Custom Type.
Database Roll-forward/Rollback Select this checkbox if your Custom Type uses a database.

Last modified July 9, 2020: small cleanup (b45ee8f)