Using Notifier Templates

Write and reuse standard message templates for your Notifiers.

Intro to Notifier Templates

Notifier Templates are used to create standard messages that are automatically sent by Notifiers. Each Notifier Template is assigned to a Notifier. There are two default Notifier Templates, one for a successful deployment (DeploySuccess) and one for a failed deployment (DeployFailure).

Note: To create a Notifier Template you will need to first create the Notifier.

Each Notifier Template contains the subject and body of the actual notification, and if via email, a list of recipients. Recipients can be members of one or more Groups as well as the owners of the Application, the owner of the Environment, and/or the owners of the Environment Endpoints.

For more information on Notifiers see Using Notifiers for Messaging.

Using these two objects, Notifiers and Notifier Templates, notifications can be sent whenever a deployment to an Environment fails or succeeds, whenever a Request Task is executed, or the state of an EndPoint changes. You can also use the Filter bar, represented by a funnel icon, to reorder your Notify Templates by Notifier Template Name and Notifier.

Using the Notifiers List View for Adding or Deleting

You will find Notifier Templates under the Setup menu. Selecting Notifier Templates will take you to a list of all Notifier Templates which you have access to. You can also use the Filter bar, represented by a funnel icon, to reorder your Notifier Templates List View. You can reorder the list view on Notifier Templates and Domains.

Notifiers Templates are defined to a Domain and will be displayed based on your access to the Domain to which it belongs.

The Notifier Templates List View has the following Tabs.

Tab Description
Refresh Refreshes the browser.
Add Allows you to Add a new Notifier Template.
Delete Deletes the selected item.

From the Notifier Template List View, double click on the Notifier Template which you would like to view to see all Details.

Using the Notifiers Dashboard for Viewing and Editing

The Dashboard view displays all information related to a specific Notifier.

Notifier Details

Field Description
Notifier The Notifier that will use this Notifier Template.
Name A unique name for the Notifier Template.
Summary A short text field to describe the Notifier Template and its use.
Created The date and time the Notifier Template was created.
Modified The date and time the Notifier Template was last changed.
Subject The email subject line.
Body The email message.

Recipients Section

This section contains the list of email Users that will receive the notification. Clicking on the +Add sign will add a row to the Recipient table with a drop-down entry field. Select “Save” once you have choose the Recipients from the drop-down entry field.

List Description
${environment.owner} The owner of the Environment that was used in the deployment.
${server.owner} The owner of the Endpoint that was used in the deployment
${version.owner} The owner of the Version that was deployed.
Everyone All of the individual Users in the DeployHub installation.
Administrators All of the Users in the Administrator Group.
Groups All defined Groups will appear in this list, allowing you to select a specific Group

You can Delete a Recipient by using the Trash Can Icon next to the item in the table.

Variables Table

This table shows all variables that can be used when constructing the subject line and message body for a template. These variables are automatically expanded when the notification is issued. Variables can be either Object Methods (such as ${}) or Scalar Variables that are set by DeployHub during specific operations (such as $SERVER_STATUS during a periodic server scan).

Object Methods can be used for any object that is available to DeployHub during the operation. For example, you could use ${} to get the internal application id or ${} to get the current domain for the application.

Last modified June 28, 2020: run markdownlint tidy (1259dc6)