Component Version Full Detail

A JSON object represents the Component being retrieved.

Name Type Description Required
branch string Is the name of the branch on which this Component is located. If no branch is specified, this string is zero length. No
domain string The fully-qualified domain name of the Domain in which the Component is located. No
ID integer The internal ID of the Component or Component Version. No
lastbuild integer Last Build number that created the Component or Component Version. No
name string The name of the Component or Component Version. No
owneruser string If the “owner” of the Component is a User, then this is the name of the User. No
ownergroup string If the “owner” of the Component is a Group, then this is the name of that Group. No
requests Request A change request Object. No
summary string Is the summary text associated with the Component Version. No
component_versions Component Version A specific_Component_ with a unique identifier. No
applications Application Version with full details All details for the Application Version. No
predecessor The parent of the Component An earlier Component Version. No