Built-In Actions

Built-in Actions may already support what you need. Some Built-in Actions are Functions or Procedures that can delete files in a DropZone, or run a PostGres script. Other Built-in Actions integrate with specific DevOps tools such as Ansible, Helm, Slack or GitHub.

Built-In Database Actions

Name Description
Run SQL Script (Postgres) Runs one or more SQL scripts against a Postgres Database.

Built-In Deploy Actions

Name Description
Checkout Extracts items from the specified Repository and places them in the Dropzone.
Deploy Extracts items from the specified Repository and deploys then to the Endpoints within the targeted Environment. Use IF conditions to filter the Endpoint list to those matching the specified criteria.
Deploy Component Deploys the specified Component to the appropriate Endpoints within the targeted Environment.
Execute Runs a script on the appropriate Endpoints within the targeted Environment. Use IF conditions to filter the Endpoint list to those matching the specified criteria.
Transfer Deploys the Component on the stack to the Endpoint on the stack.

Built-In Dropzone Actions

Name Description
Add File to ZIP Puts a Dropzone file into a ZIP/WAR/JAR/EAR file.
Amend File Content Modifies a flat file in the Dropzone. Set ““Server Specific”” to make a copy specific for each Endpoint.
Delete File Removes a file from the Dropzone.
Extract File from ZIP Extracts a named file from a ZIP/WAR/JAR/EAR file.
Iterate through Dropzone Loops through each file in the Dropzone.
Remove File from ZIP Deletes a file from a ZIP/WAR/JAR/EAR archive.
Rename File Renames a file in the Dropzone. Set ““Server Specific”” to make a copy specific to the current Endpoint.
Using Dropzone Use a named Dropzone.
XML - Add Element Adds a New XML element.
XML - Remove Element Removes an XML element.
XML - Set Attribute Sets an attribute name in an XML element.
XML - Set Text Sets the text in an XML element.

Built-In Flow Logic Actions

Name Description
Calculate MD5 Calculates the MD5 of a file.
Get Directory Returns the contents of a directory into an array.
Abort Terminates a deployment with error condition.
Add Two Values Add two values and stores the result in a variable.
Add Value to Variable Add a value to a variable.
Echo Echoes a message.
If General Condition Expression evaluation. Also use this to filter the list of servers based on those matching the specified criteria.
Increment Variable Increments a variable.
Parallel Execute blocks in parallel.
Run Task Execute a Specific Task.
Set Variable Creates and sets a variable.
Sleep Pauses for n seconds.
Using Stream Use a named stream.
Wait for Task Wait for a Specific DeployHub Task to be Run.

Built-In Loop Actions

Name Description
Component Loop Loops through each Component that makes up the Application.
Loop Through Array Keys Loops through each element of an array, setting a variable to each key.
Server Loop Iterates through the current set of Endpoints.
Version Loop Loops through each version between version on target Endpoint and version being deployed.

Built-In Tomcat Actions

Name Description
TomcatPostDeploy Cleans work directory and starts Tomcat.
TomcatPreDeploy Shuts down Tomcat before deployment.

Built-In WebSphere Actions

Name Description
Deploy App Deploys an Application to Websphere.

Built-In Windows Actions

Name Description
Extract Zip Extracts the contents of a zip file.
List Services Returns a list of installed services into an array.
Start Service Starts a Windows Service on the appropriate Endpoints within the targeted Environment. Use IF conditions to filter the Endpoint list to those matching the specified criteria.
Stop Service Stops a Windows Service on the appropriate Endpoints within the targeted Environment. Use IF conditions to filter the Endpoint list to those matching the specified criteria.