Git Repository Details

You can pull files from a Git Repository to be used by your Components. The following details are required for defining your Git Repository connection.

Field Description
Git Repo URL to the Git Repo.
Git Repo Encrypted Select the box to indicate the Git Repo should be hidden in the database.
Git Repo Override Select the box if the Git Repo can be replaced at the Component definition.
Git Commit Git Commit to be checked out.
Git Commit Encrypted Select the box to indicate the Git Commit should be hidden in the database.
Git Commit Override Select the box if the Git Commit can be replaced at the Component definition.
To Dir Directory where the files will be checked out to.
To Dir Encrypted Select the box to indicate the To Dir should be hidden in the database.
To Dir Override Select the box if the To Dir can be replaced at the Component definition.
Filepath The fully qualified directory name to the files that will need to be deployed. These files must be on a file system that the DeployHub deployment engine has access to.
Filepath Encrypted Select the box to indicate the Filepath name should be hidden in the database.
Filepath Override Select the box if the Filepath can be replaced at the Component definition.
Pattern This defines the file types you want to pull from the Repository, such as *.exe, *.dll, *.war.
Pattern Encrypted Select the box to indicate the Pattern should be hidden in the database.
Pattern Override Select the box if the Pattern can be replaced at the Component definition.
Recursive Select the box in order to cause the Repository to return all of the files from directories below those designated by Filepath.
Recursive Override Select the box if the Recursive option can be replaced at the Component definition.

Last modified January 5, 2024: fix lint errors (0004760)