
Executing deployments requiring a WebSphere Server.


A DeployHub deployment can point to one or more Repositories which contain the artifacts (.ear, .jar, and .war files) that make up a WebSphere application. These are referenced in DeployHub by one or more Components (and one or more of their Component__Items) within an Application. A Post Action is then executed which deploys these artifacts into WebSphere. The user creates the Action, which itself contains Procedures. The Procedure defined to the Action for a WebSphere deployment is called “WebSphereDeploy.”

Creating the WebSphere Action

New Action for the WebSphere

Once you have imported your Procedures, you can define your Action. Change to the Actions list view and select “Add” menu.

Name the new Action “WebSphereDeployAction” (no spaces).

Now we are going to customize this Action. You will see the ‘Activity Hub’ on the righthand side of your screen. Navigate to your Domain to find the Procedures. Drag them onto the area under Start.

At this point the Action is ready to be used by anyone with access (based on Domain and security options). Each Component that uses the Action will need to define specific values. The Action can now be placed into the Post Action field of a Component as part of an Application deployed to a WebSphere region.

WebSphereDeploy Parameters

Field Value Description
AppName ${AppName} Application name
EarFile ${dep.files} Name of the ear file
ServerName ${ServerName} Server name in the node
ContextRoot ${ContextRoot} Context Root for the application
NodeName ${NodeName} Name of the Node
CellName ${CellName} Name of the Cell
ValidateInstall ${ValidateInstall} Y or N to Validate after deployment
PrecompileJsps Checkbox Select to Precompile JSPs
MapToVirtualHost Checkbox Select to map application to virtual host
DistributeApp Checkbox Select to distribute application to all nodes
UseMetadataFromBinary Checkbox Select to use metadata from archive
DeployEjb Checkbox Select to deploy the EJB
CreateMbeansForResource Checkbox Select to create the mbeans for the EJB
ReloadEnabled Checkbox Select to reload the application
DeployWs Checkbox Select to deploy WS
ProcessEmbeddedConfig Checkbox Select to process the config in archive
AllowDispatchRemoteInclude Checkbox Select to enable dispatch of remote include
AllowServiceRemoteInclude Checkbox Select to enable service to remove include
UseAutoLink Checkbox Select to use auto link

Set Your Component Attributes_

The following variables must be added to the Attributes Section for all Components using the WebSphereDeployAction Post Action. The Attributes section can be found on the Component Dashboard. Use the +Add option in this section to add a row for the variable. You must use Save to commit the row to the table:

Variable Name Value Description
AppName Application name
ServerName Server name in the node
ContextRoot Context Root for the application
NodeName Name of the Node
CellName Name of the Cell

For more information see: