SVN as a Repository

Integrating SVN as a DeployHub Repository.

SBOM Tools

SVN Repository Details

Files and binaries can be pulled from SVN when defining your Component. Below are the details needed to connect SVN as a Repository in DeployHub:

Field Description
Path The path to the files within the Subversion repository.
Path Encrypted Select the box to indicate the Path should be hidden in the database.
Path Override Select the box if the Path can be replaced at the Component definition.
Revision Refers to the Tag used within the Subversion repository that contains the versions of the necessary files.
Revision Encrypted Select the box to indicate the Revision should be hidden in the database.
Revision Override Select the box if the Revision can be replaced at the Component definition.
URL The Universal Resource Locator used to locate the Subversion repository.
URL Encrypted Select the box to indicate the URL should be hidden in the database.
URL Override Select the box if the URL can be replaced at the Component definition.