DORA Metrics Reports

Aggregated DORA Metrics for Decoupled Deployments


DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA)

When DeployHub is integrated into your CI/CD pipeline, it can capture metrics for DORA reporting. The two DORA metrics that DeployHub captures are Deployment Frequency and Lead Time for Changes.

DeployHub collects Dora Metrics on Application Versions reporting the Application Dora metrics in decoupled architectures.

Deployment Frequency

The DORA Deployment Frequency is how often an organization successfully releases to production.

The Deployment Frequency is a count of the number of times a Application is deployed to an Environment per month. Application Versions are grouped together using the Application Base Version. This grouping is equivalent to an Application.

In order for DeployHub to track the Deployment Frequency you must record when a deployment happens for an Application Version and to which Environment it happened for.

Recording with DeployHub Deployment Internal Engine

When using the internal DeployHub deployment engine, all deployment frequency is automatically recorded by DeployHub.

Recording with External Deployment Engines

The DeployHub CLI can be used to record the deployment. Using the CLI enables the Workflow tool, i.e. Jenkins, GitHub, or GitLab, to tell DeployHub when it performs a deployment.See the CI/CD Chapter for more information and setup instruction

Lead Time for Change

The Lead Time for Change is the amount of time from the developer performing a build of a Git commit which creates a Component Version and when that Component Version is deployed to an _Environment. Component Versions as packaged into an Application Version. The Application Version is used in the report since it aggregates all Git commits and deployments up from the Component Versions. So the Lead Time will be from the most recent Git commit to the most recent deployment to an Environment.

Recording with DeployHub Deployment Internal Engine

When using the internal DeployHub deployment engine, all deployment lead time for change is automatically recorded by DeployHub.

Recording with External Deployment Engines

The DeployHub CLI can be used to record the deployment lead time for change. Using the CLI enables the Workflow tool, i.e. Jenkins, GitHub, or GitLab, to tell DeployHub when it performs a deployment. See the CI/CD Chapter for more information and setup instructions.