User APIs

Associate a User to a UserGroup (Pro Feature).

Associate a User with a UserGroup

This call assigns an existing User to a Group. Once a user has been assigned to the group then the User will have access to any object to which the Group has been granted appropriate access.

REST API Endpoint /dmadminweb/API/assign/user/{user_id}/{group_id}

GET /dmadminweb/API/assign/user/{user_id}/{group_id}

Parameters for /dmadminweb/API/assign/user/{user_id}/{group_id}

Name Located in Description Required Schema
user_id path Is the identifier of the_User_to be assigned. Either its Name, its qualified name with its parent_Domains_ included in dot notation (i.e. GLOBAL.Product) or its internal ID. Yes integer
group_id path Is the identifier of the_Group_to which the_User_should be assigned. Either its name, with its parent_Domains_ included in dot notation (i.e. GLOBAL.Product) or its internal ID. Yes string

Response Success Object

This Object contains the success/failed return code and an error message.

Name Type Boolean Description Required
success boolean Success or Failure. Yes
error string Error message returned from API. No

Disassociate a User from a User Group

This call disassociates a User from a Group. Once a User has been removed from the Group they no longer have access to any object to which access has been granted through the Group.

REST API Endpoint /dmadminweb/API/unassign/user/{user_id}/{group_id}

GET /dmadminweb/API/unassign/user/{user_id}/{group_id}

Parameters for /dmadminweb/API/unassign/user/{user_id}/{group_id}

Name Located in Description Required Schema
user_id path Is the identifier of the_User_to be assigned. Either its name, its qualified name with its parent_Domains_ included in dot notation (i.e. GLOBAL.Product) or its internal ID. Yes integer
group_id path Is the identifier of the_Group_to which the_User_should be assigned. Either its qualified name with its parent_Domains_ included in dot notation (i.e. GLOBAL.Product) or its internal ID. Yes string

Response Success Object

This Object contains the success/failed return code and an error message.

Name Type Boolean Description Required
success boolean Success or Failure. Yes
error string Error message returned from API. No