Deployment APIs

Start a deployment for a specified Application

Start Deployment

This call starts a deployment of the specified Application into the specified Environment.

In order for API deployments to work through the permission model, there has to be a Deploy task either in the Domain in which the specified Application is located or in any of the parent Domains if the Deploy task is set to be available to Subdomains. This mechanism ensures that the invoking user has permission to deploy the Application (since the permissions are checked against the Task). Also, by specifying the Task to execute, any Pre and Post link Actions are executed just as if the task had been invoked via the Web UI.

Note - Any additional parameters are created as Global Variables accessible with a url_prefix. For example, if you passed “myparam=123” as a parameter in the “deploy” API call, it would be available as $url_myparam.

REST API Endpoint /dmadminweb/API/deploy/{app_id}/{env_id}

GET /dmadminweb/API/deploy/{app_id}/{env_id}

Parameters for /dmadminweb/API/deploy/{app_id}/{env_id}

Name Located in Description Required Schema
wait query If the wait parameter is not specified - or is specified and set to Y - then the call does not return until the deployment is complete. If the wait parameter is set to N then the call returns as soon as the deployment has been instigated but before it completes. In both cases, the deployment ID is returned. No string
task query Is the identifier of a Deploy task to execute in order to perform the deployment. Either its name, its qualified name with its domain and any parent Domains included in dot notation(i.e. GLOBAL.Product) or its internal ID. If the task is not specified, the first accessible Deploy Task within the Application’s Domain is used (or any Deploy Task in parent Domain if they are set to be “available” to _Subdomains). No string
app_id path Is the identifier of an_Application_. Either its name, its qualified name with its parent_Domain included in dot notation (i.e. GLOBAL.Product) or its internal ID. Yes string
env_id path Is the identifier of an_Environment_. Either its name, its qualified name with its parent_Domains_ included in dot notation (i.e. GLOBAL.Product) or its internal ID. Yes string

Deployment Result

Name Type Description Required
success boolean Is true or false depending on the success or failure of the query. If success is false, then result is not returned and a text field named “error” is returned instead. No
deploymentid integer Deployment ID No