Credential APIs

Create a new Credential.

Create or Modify a Credential

This call creates a new credential. All of the attributes of the new Credential are set through parameters to the API. If “Domain” is not specified then the Environment is created in the logged in User’s home Domain.

REST API Endpoint /dmadminweb/API/new/credential/{cred_id}

GET /dmadminweb/API/new/credential/{cred_id}

Parameters for /dmadminweb/API/new/credential/{cred_id}

Name Located in Description Required Schema
cred_id path Is the name of the_Credential_ to be created. Yes string
domain query Is the identifier of the Domain in which the Credential is to be created. Either its name, its qualified name with its parent Domains included in dot notation (i.e. GLOBAL.Product) or its internal ID. Yes string
summary query Is the summary text for the Credential. No string
kind query The type of Credential to create. Must be one of -
  • encrypted - The username and password are held encrypted in the database.
  • vars - The username and password contain variable names to be expanded when the Credential is used. Held un-encrypted in the database.
  • ppk - Public/Private Key file.
  • dfo- DFO filename for use with CA Harvest.
  • No string
    username query Required for Credential of kind encrypted, vars or ppk. The username to be stored against the Credential. No string
    password query Required for Credential of kind encrypted and vars. The password to be stored against the credential. No string
    keyfile query Required for Credential of kind ppk. The path of the private keyfile to be used by the Credential. No string
    filename query Required for Credential of kind dfo. The path of the Harvest DFO file containing the encrypted username/password. No string

    Response Success Object

    This Object contains the success/failed return code and an error message.

    Name Type Boolean Description Required
    success boolean Success or Failure. Yes
    error string Error message returned from API. No

    Deleting a Credential

    This call deletes a Credential.

    REST API Endpoint /dmadminweb/API/del/credential/{cred_id}

    HTTP Verb URL
    GET /dmadminweb/API/del/credential/{cred_id}

    Parameters for /dmadminweb/API/del/credential/{cred_id}

    Name Located in Description Required Schema
    cred_id path Is the ID of the_Credential_to be deleted. Either its name, its qualified name with its parent_Domain_ included in dot notation (i.e. GLOBAL.Products) or its internal ID. Yes string

    Response Success Object

    This Object contains the success/failed return code and an error message.

    Name Type Boolean Description Required
    success boolean Success or Failure. Yes
    error string Error message returned from API. No