Endpoint APIs

APIs for retrieving and updating Endpoints..

Get a List of EndPoints

This call returns an array of JSON objects representing each Endpoint to which the logged-in User has access.

If the all parameter is not specified then only the Endpoint associated with the User’s home Domain are listed. If the “all” parameter is specified and is set to “y”, for Yes, then the result includes the Applications included in any accessible Subdomains.

REST API Endpoint

GET /dmadminweb/API/servers

Parameters for /dmadminweb/API/servers

Name Located in Description Required Schema
all query y or n No string

Endpoints Result

Name Type Description Required
success boolean Is true or false depending on the success or failure of the query. If success is false, then result is not returned and a text field named “error” is returned instead. No
result An Array of EndPoints. No

Endpoint Object

Name Type Description Required
automd5 string Is a Boolean representing if “Auto MD5 Scanning” is set for the Endpoint. No
autoping string Is a Boolean representing if “Auto Ping” is set for the Endpoint. No
basedir string Is the base directory for the Endpoint. No
comptypes [ comptype ] No
credential string Is the name of the Credential used to connect to the Endpoint. No
domain string Is the Endpoint’s fully qualified Domain. No
environments [ environment ] No
hostname string Is the hostname of the Endpoint. No
ID string Is the Endpoint’s internal object ID. No
md5template string Is the name of the template to be used for notification should the Endpoint fail an automated mD5 scan. No
name string Is the server’s name. No
owneruser string If the “owner” of the Endpoint is a User, then this is the name of the User. No
ownergroup string If the “owner” of the Endpoint is a user Group, then this is the name of that Group. No
pingend string The time after which auto ping will stop (in format HH:MM) No
pingstart string The time at which auto ping will start (in format HH:MM) No
pingtemplate string Is the name of the template to be used for notification should the Endpoint failed an automated ping. No
protocol string The protocol used to connect to the Endpoint. No
summary string Any summary text associated with the Endpoint. No

Retrieve Specific Endpoint

This call returns a JSON object representing the specified Endpoint.

REST API Endpoint

GET /dmadminweb/API/server/{identifier}


Name Located in Description Required Schema
identifier path Is the identifier of the Endpoint. Either its name, its qualified name with its parent Domains included in dot notation (i.e. GLOBAL.Product) or its internal ID. Yes string

Responses for Endpoint Result

Name Type Description Required
success boolean Is true or false depending on the success or failure of the query. If success is false, then result is not returned and a text field named “error” is returned instead. No
result compute node No

Endpoint Object

Name Type Description Required
automd5 string Is a Boolean representing if “Auto MD5 Scanning” is set for the Endpoint. No
autoping string Is a Boolean representing if “Auto Ping” is set for the Endpoint. No
basedir string Is the base directory for the Endpoint. No
comptypes [ comptype ] No
credential string Is the name of the Credential used to connect to the Endpoint. No
domain string Is the Endpoint’s fully qualified Domain. No
environments [ environment ] No
hostname string Is the hostname of the Endpoint. No
ID string Is the Endpoint’s internal object ID. No
md5template string Is the name of the template to be used for notification should the Endpoint fail an automated mD5 scan. No
name string Is the server’s name. No
owneruser string If the “owner” of the Endpoint is a User, then this is the name of the User. No
ownergroup string If the “owner” of the Endpoint is a user Group, then this is the name of that Group. No
pingend string The time after which auto ping will stop (in format HH:MM) No
pingstart string The time at which auto ping will start (in format HH:MM) No
pingtemplate string Is the name of the template to be used for notification should the Endpoint failed an automated ping. No
protocol string The protocol used to connect to the Endpoint. No
summary string Any summary text associated with the Endpoint. No

Assign an Endpoint to an Environment**

This call allows an existing Endpoint to be associated with an existing Environment. Once the Endpoint is associated with an Environment it can receive Components during a deployment.

Endpoint can be associated with more than one Environment. Assigning an Endpoint to an Environment will not disassociate the Endpoint from any other Environment with which it may be already associated. To move an Endpoint between Environments see the “Disassociate an Endpoint from and Environment” below to remove the Endpoint from the original Environment.

REST API Endpoint

GET /dmadminweb/API/assign/server/{server_id}/{env_id}


Name Located in Description Required Schema
server_id path Is the identifier of the_Endpoint_to be assigned. Either its name, its qualified name with its parent_Domains_ included in dot notation (i.e. GLOBAL.Product)) or its internal ID. Yes integer
env_id path Is the identifier of the_Environment_to which the_Endpoint_should be assigned. Either its name, its qualified name with its parent_Domains_ included in dot notation (i.e. GLOBAL.Product)) or its internal ID. Yes string

Response Success Object

This Object contains the success/failed return code and an error message.

Name Type Boolean Description Required
success boolean Success or Failure. Yes
error string Error message returned from API. No

Disassociate a Endpoint from an Environment

This call disassociates a server from an environment. When the server is disassociated from the environment then any subsequent deployments to that environment will not result in any files or operations being directed at the server.

This call does not delete the server - it simply disassociates it from the environment. To delete a server use the API/del/server call.

REST API Endpoint

GET /dmadminweb/API/unassign/server/{server_id}/{env_id}


Name Located in Description Required Schema
server_id path Is the identifier of the_Endpoint_to be assigned. Either its name, its qualified name its parent_Domains_ included in dot notation (i.e. GLOBAL.Product) or its internal ID. Yes integer
env_id path Is the identifier of the_Environment_to which the_Endpoint_should be assigned. Either its name, its qualified name with its parent_Domains_ included in dot notation (GLOBAL.Product) or its internal ID. Yes string

Response Success Object

This Object contains the success/failed return code and an error message.

Name Type Boolean Description Required
success boolean Success or Failure. Yes
error string Error message returned from API. No