
Retrieve a User Object.

The User object represents a user in DMScript. User objects can be retrieved as the owner from other objects (such as Endpoints, Environments, Applications etc.). They can also be returned from a getuser call. A call to the Function me returns a User object representing the current logged in user.

The following properties can be accessed on the User object:

Property Return Type Description
ID Integer User id, as used in the database.
name String User Name.
kind String Returns “user”. Used to differentiate between users and groups where retrieving an owner object.
fqdomain String Fully qualified domain name.
realname String The User’s full name.
email String The User’s email address.
phone String The User’s telephone number.
groups Array Array of UserGroup Objects – the UserGroups to which this user belongs.
lastlogin Date The date/time the user last logged into DeployHub Pro.
creator User User Object representing the user who created this user.
modifier User User Object representing the user who last modified this user.
ctime Date Date Object representing the date/time the user was created.
mtime Date Date Object representing the date/time the user was last modified.
owner Object User or UserGroup that owns the User