To Json

Push files in the current DropZone to all Endpoints.

transfer pushes the files in the current DropZone to all the Endpoint_s in the current_Endpoint_set. transfer takes no parameters – all the files in the_DropZone_are pushed to every_Endpoint_in the current_Endpoint_set. You can limit the_Endpoint_set by placing the transfer in an if block to reduce the_Endpoint_set to those matching the specified expression. You can also use remove to remove files from the_DropZone before calling transfer.

transfer is generally only required when writing custom actions. It is called implicitly during a conventional deployment. A pre action on a Component can be used to modify the drop zone before the Component is deployed.


Checkout files and transfer them to all the Endpoint_s in the current_Endpoint set.

checkout(repository: "myrep", pattern: "\*.exe");