Set Statement

Assign a variable or array element to a value.

Set assigns a variable or array element to a value. It has four possible modifiers:

Modififier Description
-a Appends the value.
-l Appends all values from an array or list.
-g Sets the variable in global scope.
-i Sets the nocase option.

The +=, -= and *= operators perform increment, decrement and multiply on the current value. In append mode the global variable SEPARATOR can be used to act as the separator string between the values.

set variable = expression;

set variable += expression;

set variable -= expression;

set variable -= expression;

set array[expression] = expression;


**set** foo = "bar";
**set** bat = 1;
**set** fred = true;
**set** jim[2] = "value";
**set** -a foo = "bat"; // -a = append. foo is now "barbat"
**set** -l arr1 = $arr2; // appends arr2 to arr1
**set** -g myglobal = "value"; // sets in global scope
**set** -i mynocase = "MiXeD"; // variable is not case sensitive

if ($mynocase = "mixed") {

echo "match"; // This will match since mynocase is

} // case insensitive
**set** SEPARATOR = ', '; // variable SEPARATOR used for set -a
**set** -a foo = "ball"; // "barbat, ball"