Intro to Customizing Actions with DMScript

Customize any Action using Built-in Functions and Procedures with DMScript.

DMScript (_D_eployment_M_anagement _Script_ing) is DeployHub’s own scripting language. It underpins nearly all the activities that take place during a deployment.

Users with the appropriate permissions can create their own DMScript Activities by creating custom Procedures and Functions. DMScripts can be stored in the DeployHub database (as stored procedures) or can be held in an external filesystem or even in a Repository. Storing DMScript in a Repository allows it to be version controlled.

Actions are a set of Functions and Procedures that define your deployment Workflow logic. You use the action editor by dragging and dropping Functions and Procedures onto the design pallet, connecting the order in which they execute. When you run the Action, DeployHub parses the Functions and Procedures in the Action Workflow, generates one big DMScript which is then passed to the deployment engine for deployment execution.

Although it is not necessary to understand DMScript in order to use DeployHub, doing so will allow you to create more sophisticated and highly custom deployments. It is also useful to understand the Stack Architecture which underpins DMScript. Doing so will allow you to understand variable scoping and inheritance which is useful even if you generate all custom activities via the Action Workflow Editor.


Some scripting or programming experience (in any other scripting or programming language) is assumed. DMScript is object-orientated and has a similar syntax to Javascript but has features from other scripting languages.

Knowledge of DeployHub and its various objects (Environments, Endpoints, Applications, Components etc.) and how they interact is also assumed. Web Based API calls assume some knowledge of SOAP and RESTful interfaces.

Why Use DMScript

DeployHub can call any external script or program (either locally on the deployment engine or remotely on the target Endpoint during a deployment). Given that fact, why would you need to use DMScript?

DMScript has:

  • Knowledge of the DeployHub object model. For example, DMScript allows you to find all the Endpoint_s in an_Environment that have a specific attribute. Doing this in external scripts is difficult if not impossible.

  • Full knowledge of the attributes set against the selected objects. Uses values that have been set against Endpoint_s,Environments, or_Applications.

  • A RESTful and SOAP API client. Makes calls to external systems (or even DeployHub’s own API) quickly and easily.

  • A built-in JSON/XML parser. This means the results of RESTful and SOAP API calls are available as variables within DMScript without the need for complex parsing.

  • A built in ODBC tool. You can query (or update) databases and have the results available in your DMScript. This means you can query a database as part of a deployment activity and perform different steps dependent on the results of the query.

  • A built-in LDAP query tool. Query LDAP _Endpoint_s and use the results in your scripts.

  • A built-in mail client. You can construct your own emails (with attachments) and control when they are sent and to whom. This is useful if the normal DeployHub “template” mechanism is insufficient for your needs.

  • A built-in base64 encoder/decoder.

  • Built-in support for parallel execution. Run scripts on different _Endpoint_s in parallel.

  • Fine control over the deployment scheme. If you want to change the default deployment mechanism, use DMScript.

If you need to do any of these things, either as part of a deployment activity or as part of an integration (for example, notifying an external system when an Application Version has been moved or deployed) then use DMScript. You can customize any Action using DM Script. DeployHub has built-in Functions and Procedures ready for you to call when you need customization. Actions call Activities that are Functions or Procedures. Function performs an Activity and returns an Object. A Procedure performs an Activity and returns only ‘success’or ‘fail.’

Storing DMScripts

When you write your own DMScripts for Procedures and Functions, you can set the “kind” to either “DMScript Procedure in Database” or “DMScript Procedure in Repository”.

DMScript Procedure in Database

If the “kind” is “DMScript Procedure in Database” then a “Body” tab will appear. This will show the text of the DMScript. Clicking the pencil icon will open a pop-up editor. This editor has syntax highlighting, search and replace options (including searching for regular expressions) and other editor Functions. When the edited DMScript is saved (by clicking the OK button or the save icon) a syntax check is performed automatically. If the DMScript fails, then the line in error is highlighted and the dialog stays open.

DMScript in Repository

If the “kind” is “DMScript in Repository” then you will be asked to specify the repository in which the DMScript file is located and the name of the file containing the DMScript.

NOTE: You can only specify the name of the file containing the DMScript, so the repository definition must include all the other details required to locate the file in the repository. It may therefore be necessary to define a new repository specifically for DMScript.


Functions return a new object (such as getApplication or getcredential), perform a conversion (such as xmlparse), or can make calls to external web-based APIs and return structured results (such as soap or restful_post). Some Functions act as object methods. For example length() can be called on a string (to return its length in characters) or on an array (to return the number of elements). In these cases, the Function can be called directly from the object itself like this:

set str="Hello There";

set len=${str.length()};

echo "length is $len"; // echoes length is 11

Or one can call the _Function_ "stand-alone" passing it the object as the first parameter:

set str="Hello There";

set len=length($str);

echo "len is $len"; // echoes len is 11

When a Function relates to an object, this will be indicated.

Define a Function

A Function can be defined simply by using the keyword Function followed by the Function name, its parameters and the code that makes up the Procedure in braces.


_Function_ testfunc(arg1, arg2)


return "$arg1 $arg2";


When adding Functions via the DeployHub Web User Interface, the “Function” header is implied. The argument names are taken from the Arguments tab. There is no need to use the syntax outlined here. However, you can use this in an external DMScript file (one stored in a repository) and call it from other Procedures or Functions stored in the same file.

Call a Function

Functions can be called as a simple statement. For example, using the testfunc_Function_ which we defined previously:

set myres = testfunc("Deploy", "Hub");

echo $myres; // echoes "DeployHub"

NOTE: The Function called can also be DMScript stored in the DeployHub database, DMScript held in an external repository, or it can be an external script which is executed. The method used is based on the “kind” of the Procedure.

Built-in Functions can be stand-alone Functions, which can be called as described above. There are also Functions which are defined as methods on DMScript Objects. To call a method on an object, use the following syntax:

set res = ${object.method(p1,p2)};


object is the DMScript object.

method is the name of the method that the object provides

p1,p2 are the parameters passed to the method.

A _Function_ with no parameters can be called like this:

set res = myfunc();


A Procedure can be defined in DMScript by using the keyword Action followed by the Procedure name and the code that makes up the Procedure in braces.




echo **"** myarg1 **= $** myarg1 **";**

echo **"** myarg2[1] = $myarg2[1]";


NOTE: When adding Procedures via the DeployHub Web User Interface, the “action” header is implied. There is no need to use the syntax outlined here. However, you can use this in an external DMScript file (one stored in a repository) and call it from other Procedures or Functions stored in the same file.

Call a Procedure

Procedures can be called as a simple statement. A new scope is pushed for the called Procedure and populated with the parameters, which are essentially name value pairs. e.g.

myaction(myarg1: “value1”, myarg2: { “some”, “list”, “value” } );

The Action scope being populated with the values from the invocation means that the called Action can read its parameters just by accessing the variable name. In other words, myaction can simply read $myarg1 and $myarg2.

When the above action is called, the Procedure defined above will echo:

myarg1 = value1

myarg2[1] = list

NOTE: The Procedure called can also be DMScript stored in the DeployHub database, DMScript held in an external repository or it can be an external script which is executed. The method used is based on the “kind” of the Procedure.

If the action does not have any parameters, then the call should be made with no enclosing braces like this:


This is to allow DMScript to differentiate between Procedures and Functions.

DMScript Syntax

DMScript is an object-orientated scripting language. It uses a fairly broad syntax with elements of Java, Perl, and Shell Script. Any developer should be able to become proficient in DMScript fairly quickly.

DMScript has knowledge of the DeployHub object model. Each object (Endpoint, Environment, Application, Component etc) has a corresponding object in DMScript. Thus, you can use ${} to get the current Environment name (deployment target) and ${} to get the name of the Application being deployed. Other objects (such as Endpoint and Component) only become “in scope” when they are pushed onto the Stack during a deployment operation.

This knowledge of the object model allows DMScript to use fairly sophisticated operations. For example if you have an Application Version object:




is the version immediately preceding this _Version_.


is two revisions of this Version. Similarly,


is the revision immediately after this _Version_.

NOTE: this operation will not work if the version has two or more child versions (due to branching).

DMScript Interpreter

DMScript is an interpreted language. It is not compiled either to machine language or to any intermediate p-code.

In DeployHub, Procedures and Functions can be external scripts (written in any language) which are then executed either on the local deployment engine or on the target Endpoint during a deployment. You can also create Procedures and Functions in DMScript and invoke them as part of a deployment. DMScript can call other Functions and Procedures and these can be written in DMScript or can be external scripts written in any language.

Actions are created by dragging and dropping Functions, Procedures and workflow directives onto the action editor. When the action is invoked (as part of a deployment or as a stand-alone action), DeployHub generates DMScript from the action flow and then executes it using the built-in DMScript interpreter.

NOTE: To see the DMScript generated from an action, right-click in the action editor flow and select “Show Generated DMScript”.


Statements should always end with a semi-colon to indicate the end of the statement. White space (spaces, tabs, newlines) are usually ignored by the DMScript interpreter so you are free to layout your script as you see fit. There are some restrictions on this – these will be highlighted where necessary.


Comments begin with a double forward-slash like this:

// this is a comment

Everything after the // is ignored by the DMScript interpreter.

You can also comment over multiple lines by using /* to start a comment and */ to end it.

/* This comment

* runs over several lines



Variables in DMScript are not typed. It is not necessary to explicitly declare the variable as being a string, an integer or an object. Rather, the variable is declared and set using the set keyword and DMScript implies the type of the variable from what it is set to.

Variables can be either simple Scalar Variables (i.e. variables that hold either a number or a string), an Object (such as an Environment or an Application) or can be Arrays or Lists. In DMScript, arrays are associative. This simply means that an array subscript can be text as well as a number.

NOTE: DMScript does not support floating point variables.

Objects have Properties and Methods associated with them. Nearly every object has a name property (which returns the object’s name) and an ID property (which returns the object’s unique internal ID).

Properties are returned by appending the property name to the object variable name with an intervening period. To reference the entire property, the complete variable name must be enclosed with braces.

For example, here is how to get the name property for the current target Environment:

set envname = ${};

echo "Target Environment is $envname";

Methods differ from Properties in that they normally require one or more (possibly optional) parameters. These parameters should be enclosed in parenthesis after the method name.

For example, here is how you use the latest method of an Application object to get the latest version of an Application on a branch identified by the variable mybranch:

set latestapp = ${_Application_.latest($mybranch)};

echo "latest app on branch $mybranch is ${}";

The following is an example of setting and using a Scalar Variable

set MYVAR = 1;

echo $MYVAR; // echoes "1"

set MYVAR = $MYVAR + 1;

echo $MYVAR; // echoes "2"

incr MYVAR; // Increments MYVAR (same as set MYVAR=$MYVAR+1;)

echo $MYVAR; // echoes "3"

And here's how you set and use arrays:

set myarray[1] = "one";

set myarray[2] = "two";

echo $myarray[1]; // echoes "one"

echo $myarray[2]; // echoes "two"

// Array subscripts don't need to be numeric…

set myarray["testone"] = 1;

set myarray["testtwo"] = 2;

echo $myarray["testone"]; // echoes "1"

echo $myarray["testtwo"]; // echoes "2"

set a="testtwo";

echo $myarray[$a]; // echoes "2"

You can also set associative array members by using { … } syntax and using => to specify the subscript and the value:

set myarray = { "testone" => "ONE", "testtwo" => "TWO" };

echo $myarray["testone"]; // echoes "ONE"

echo $myarray["testtwo"]; // echoes "TWO"

Arrays can also be assigned using JSON syntax:

set myarray = {
 "one": "val one",
 "two": "val two",
 "three": 3,
 "four": true,
 "five": null

echo $myarray["one"]; // echoes "val one"

Since array members (like any other variable in DMScript) are not typed, array members can contain values of different types. In the example above, there are two strings (“val one” and “val two”), one integer (3), one Boolean (true) and a null indicator.

This lack of typing means that an array member can contain other arrays or lists.

set myarray = {

"one": "val one",

"two": {

"x": 3,

"y": 4



In this example, the array member identified by the subscript “two” actually contains another array with subscripts “x” and “y”.

As well as the quoted subscript syntax, DMScript also supports dot notation. This means you can “dereference” array members by specifying the subscript by name with a dot after the array name:

echo ${}; // echoes "val one"

echo ${myarray.two.y}; // echoes "4"

NOTE: When using dot notation it is necessary to use enclosing braces as shown. The dot notation is also only available should the subscript name not include spaces.

You can convert an array into a JSON format string by using the .to_json method on the array:

echo ${\_json()}; // echoes {"one":"val one","two":{"x":"3","y":"4"}}

A List is simply an array with implied numeric keys. You can set a list like this:

**set** mylist={"a","b","c"};

And reference the individual members by using numeric subscripts like a conventional array:

echo $mylist[1]; // echoes "b"

NOTE: In common with most other languages, list subscripts start at 0, not 1.

This array and list mechanism allows DMScript to easily parse the results of calls to external RESTful and SOAP based APIs. When the result of such a call is a JSON or XML encoded string, DMScript will parse this into an associative array. The values can then easily be retrieved using the dot notation as described above.

Variable Expansion

Variables are automatically expanded to their value if:

  • They are preceded by a $ character (as in the examples above).
  • They are not enclosed by single quotes (’).

For the most part, both double-quotes and single-quotes can be used to delimit character strings. However, if a variable name is preceded by a $ character in a double-quote delimited string then it is expanded normally. If the variable name is enclosed in single-quotes then it is not.

For example:

set MYVAR="James";

echo "My name is $MYVAR"; // echoes "My name is James"

echo 'My name is $MYVAR'; // echoes "My name is $MYVAR"

Special “escape” characters in strings are automatically expanded:

Character Description
\t expands to a tab.
\n expands to a newline.
\r expands to a carriage-return.
\u00xx expands to the character represented by the 2 hex digits xx (but only if the character is in the range 0x20-0x7F (32-127).
\ expands to \
" expands to "
' expands to '

You can prevent this expansion by prefixing the string with a @ character:



echo$a; // echoes hello\here

echo$b; // echoes hello\there

If the variable being referenced contains a period (dot) – for example if you’re dereferencing an array member – then you must enclose the variable name in braces:


As described above, this also applies when referencing properties or methods in DMScript objects.

You can always use braces around variable names. For example:




are equivalent.

Use braces to tell DMScript when the variable name ends when it is not otherwise obvious. For example:

set myvar1 = 12;

set myvar1a = 24;

echo $myvar1a; // echoes 24

echo "${myvar1}a"; // echoes 12a

Statement Blocks

Statements can be grouped together in blocks by surrounding the statements with braces.


if ($x=1) {

// these statements all execute if x equals 1

echo "statement 1";

echo "statement 2";



DMScript has the usual operators you would expect in a conventional scripting language.

Operator Description Example
  • Integer addition
  • Date offset
  • App Version tree walk
  • Array/List joining
  • String Concatenation
  • 2 + 2 = 4
  • $date + 7200 = 2 hours later
  • $av + 1 = successor
  • arr3 = $arr1 + $arr2
  • str3 = $str1 + $str2
  • Integer subtraction
  • Date difference
  • Date negative offset
  • App Version tree walk
  • 5 - 2 = 3
  • $date1 - $date2 = X seconds
  • $date - 3600 = an hour earlier
  • $av - 2 = grandfather
  • Integer Multiplication
  • 2 * 2 = 4
  • Integer division
  • 5 / 2 = 2
  • 1 / 0 = <empty>
  • Integer modulus
  • 5 % 2 = 1
& or -a
  • Logical and
  • true & true = true
l or -o
  • Logical or
  • true & false = true
  • Unary minus
  • -1 = -1
  • Logical not
  • String set test
  • Object ref test
  • !true = false
  • !0 = true or !"" = true
  • !null = true
() Sub-expression Changes precedence
= or -eq Equals Boolean, Integer, String, Object
!= or -ne Not equals Boolean, Integer, String, Object
> or -gt Greater than Boolean, Integer, String, Object
>= or -ge Greater than or equal to Boolean, Integer, String, Object
< or -lt Less than Boolean, Integer, String, Object
<= or -le Less than or equals to Boolean, Integer, String, Object
~ Matches Right Hand Side is regular expression.


set a=2;

set b=5;

set c=7;

echo $a+$b; // echoes 7

echo $c-$a; // echoes 5

echo $b\*$c; // echoes 35

echo $c/$b; // echoes 1

echo $c%$b; // echoes 2

echo $a\*$b+$c; // echoes 17

echo $a\*($b+$c); // echoes 24

set app = get_Application_("ITGuys;2"); // gets an _Application_

set app=$app-1; // get the predecessor

echo "${}"; // echoes ITGuys;1

set a="hello";

set b="there";

echo $a+$b; // echoes hellothere

set list1={"hello","from"};

set list2={"Deploy","Hub"};

set list3 = $list1 + $list2;

echo $list3; // echoes ["hello","from","Deploy","Hub"]

When adding associative arrays, the keys are merged and values from the 2nd array replace the ones in the first:

set arr1={"key1": 1, "list1": [1,2,3], "key2": 2};

set arr2={"key1": 9, "list2": [4,5,6], "key3": 3};

set arr3=$arr1+$arr2;

echo $arr3;

This will echo:


Note that key1 exists in both arrays and has been replaced with the value of key1 from arr2.

String Concatenation

Strings can be concatenated (joined together) by using a + operator or by simply placing individual strings where a single variable would normally go.


seta="hello" " " "there";

echo$a; // echoes hello there

set a="$a" " this is a test";

echo $a; // echoes hello there this is a test

When concatenating strings in this way, do not put any white space between the strings. If you want to put whitespace, it will be necessary to enclose variables in double quotes as shown in the example above.


set a="hello";

set b=$a$a; // correct (b="hellohello")

set b = $a $a; // syntax error

set b = "$a" "$a"; // correct (b="hellohello")

set b = "$a $a"; // correct (b="hello hello")

Variable Substitution

It is possible to set a value for a variable only if the variable is not currently defined. Similarly, it is possible to only set a value for the variable if it is already set to another value. This is similar to the way Korn shell operates and uses identical syntax:

:+ denotes if unset


:- denotes if set.


set foo1 = "hello";

echo ${foo1:-'defval'}; // echoes "hello" (since foo1 is set)

echo ${foo2:-'defval'}; // echoes "defval" (since foo2 is unset)

echo ${foo1:+'defval'}; // echoes "defval" (since foo1 is set);

echo ${foo2:+'defval'}; // echoes blank (since foo2 is unset);

This can be used when concatenating values into a string:

set list = ${list}${list:+','}${foo};

The first time this is called (withlistnot set) thenlistwill be set to the value of foo. This is because${list:+’,’}is substituted with a null string sincelist is not set. This is the equivalent of:

set list = ${list}${foo};

The second time this is called (withlistset) then${list:+’,’}will expand to “,"(sincelistis set). This is the equivalent of:

set list = "${list}" "," "${foo}";

Expression Substitution

It is possible to evaluate expressions and return the result as a string which can then be processed. To do this use the $(…) syntax. Anything between the opening and closing braces is evaluated and the results returned as a string.


echo "Here is an expression: $(23\*72)";

Will echo:

Here is an expression: 1656

You can use this to call external Functions or Procedures and capture the results back into a DMScript variable. For example, suppose you had a “local external script or program” Procedure called testscript containing the following code:

@echo off

echo "hello from myscript.bat!";

This DMScript:

echo "here's the result of testscript: $(testscript())";

Will echo:

here's the result of testscript: hello from myscript.bat


Variables exist in the Function or Procedure in which they are defined. When the Function or Procedure exits, the variable is no longer in scope and cannot be accessed.

As an example, suppose you have created a Function in a domain called “myfunc”. This Function takes two parameters (arg1 and arg2) and simply multiplies them together and returns the result.


set x=99;

return $arg1\*$arg2;

This Function can be called like this:

set x=20;

set res = myfunc(10,20); // res will be 200

echo "$res $x"; // echoes 200 20

Note, the value of x is still 20, even though the Function_myfunc contains the line set x=99. This is because the variable x in myfunc is_local_to myfunc. Changing the value in myfunc simply changes the local version of x. The version of x in the calling_Procedure is not changed.

You can force a variable to be declared in global scope by using set –g as follows:


set –g x=99;

return $arg\*$arg2;

However, the calling Procedure needs to specify a global version of x as well. Otherwise, the version of x that is used in the calling Procedure is local to that Procedure.

set –g x=20;

set res = myfunc(10,20); // res will be 200

echo "$res $x"; // echoes 200 99

By using the –g option to set in both the calling Procedure and the called Function, the version of x that both use is the same global variable.