DropZone Object

Get the DropZone Object.

The DropZone Object represents a DropZone. A DropZone is an area on disk on the DeployHub Server where deployment artefacts are stored and manipulated before onward transmission to the target Endpoint(s). A DropZone is placed onto the stack during a using DropZone statement – all operations within this block have access to this DropZone via the DropZone Object. A DropZone Object is also present on the stack during pre and post action processing for a Component. In this case, the content of the DropZone are the files checked out from the repository for the associated Component Items.

The following properties can be accessed for a DropZone object:

Property Type Description
name String DropZone name.
path String The full path of the location on disk where the DropZone is located. Useful for passing to external scripts that may need to manipulate files in the DropZone.
files Array An Array of DropZone Object, each one of which represents a file in the DropZone. The array is keyed by the full path name of the file.

The following methods can be called on the DropZone object:

Method Return Type Description
find(pattern) Array Returns an Array of DropZone Object, each one of which represents a file in the DropZone. The Array is restricted to files whose file name matches the specified pattern. The array is keyed by the full path name of the file.
dir() String The full path of the location on disk where the DropZone is located. Equivalent to the path attribute.