Domain Object

Get a Domain Object.

The Domain object represents a domain in DMScript. Domain objects can be retrieved from other objects (such as Endpoints, Environments, Applications etc). The calling user’s home domain can be retrieved via ${me.domain}

The following properties can be accessed on the Domain object:

Property Return Type Description
ID Integer Domain id, as used in the database.
name String Domain name.
fqdomain String Fully qualified domain name.
summary String Summary text.
domain Object Domain in which the Domain is contained
Sub-Domainns Array List of Domain objects which are contained within this Domain.
Applications Array List of Application objects which are contained within this domain.
Environments Array List of Environment objects which are contained within this domain.
creator User User Object representing the user who created this domain.
modifier User User Object representing the user who last modified this domain.
ctime Date Date Object representing the date/time the domain was created.
mtime Date Date Object representing the date/time the domain was last modified.
owner Object User or UserGroup that owns the Domain.