
Using abort to end a script execution.

abort throws an exception, which would normally end a script execution. It can take an optional message which DeployHub will issue when the script ends. abort is typically used when a condition prevents the rest of the script from executing correctly. abort takes a single, named parameter:

msg: The message to print on abort. If msg is not specified, the msg defaults to ABORT.

It can be caught with a try/catch block so you can break out of a block of code whilst still allowing the script to execute.


abort(msg: "Something went wrong");

This will end the script with the message "Something went wrong".


This will end the script with the message "ABORT"

try {

echo "About to abort";

abort(msg: "Custom Message");

echo "This will never execute";

} catch (ex) {

echo "Error: $ex";


echo "Carry on";


About to abort
Error: Custom Message
Carry on