Using Notifiers for Messaging

Using Notifiers for communicating deployment results.

Intro to Notifiers

Notifiers send messages to various recipients and can be used as follows:

  • After a successful or failed deployment.
  • When a Request Task has ben used against an Application.
  • When an Endpoint is unavailable.
  • Used As part of your continuous Delivery Pipeline to automatically update users.

DeployHub can use Email, Slack, SMS, and HipChat for this purpose.

Notifiers and Notifier Templates

Notifiers are associated to a Notifier Template. The Notifier Template is used for sending standard message for your Notifier. A Notifier contains one or more Notifier Templates. See Using Notifier Templates for more information.

Using these two objects, Notifiers and Notifier Templates, notifications can be sent whenever a deployment to an Environment fails or succeeds, whenever a Request Task is executed, or the state of an EndPoint changes. A a variety of email or messaging systems can be used to individually tailor notifications containing all information needed to inform all relevant teams.

Using the Notifiers List View for Adding or Deleting

You will find Notifiers under the Advanced Features menu. Selecting Notifiers will take you to a list of all Notifiers to which you have access. You can also use the Filter bar, represented by a funnel icon, to reorder your Notifiers List View. You can reorder the list view on Notifiers and Domains

Notifiers are defined to a Domain and will be displayed based on your access to the Domain to which it belongs.

The Notifiers List View has the following Tabs.

Tab Description
Refresh Refreshes the browser.
Add Allows you to Add a new Notifier of a particular type.
Delete Deletes the selected item.

From the Notifier List View, double click on the Notifier which you would like to view to see all Details.

Using the Notifiers Dashboard for Viewing and Editing

The Dashboard view displays all information related to a specific Notifier.

Common Details of all Notifiers

The following details are common to all Notifiers types:

Field Description
Full Domain The fully qualified name of the Domain to which the Notifier was defined.
Name The Name of the Notifier.
Type The Notifier Type chosen when you performed the Add.
Owner Type User or Group.
Owner Name of the Owner.
Summary A description of the Notifier.
Created Auto generated date when the Notifier was added.
Modified Auto generated date when the Notifier was updated.
Credential The Credential used to access the Notifier if required.

Email Details

Field Description
HTML If checked, will send email in HTML format.
HTML Override If checked will indicate the value can be overrode. This is used for ‘scripted’ notifications where the action editor includes a ’notify’ action. This allows the notify action to override the value, for example, of the username or hostname of the Notifier.
SSL If checked, Secure Sockets Layer for sending email will be used.
SSL Override If checked, the SSL can be changed.
From The email address of the sender. Typically, this is a shared address accessible to users who push deployments.
From Encrypted The From name can be hidden in the DeployHub database.
From Override The From name can be changed.
Logfile The location of the log results between DeployHub and the Mail Server.
Logfile Encrypted The Logfile can be hidden in the DeployHub database.
Logfile Override The Logfile location can be changed.
Mailport The port that receives email on the mail server. Typically 26, but it could be different.
Mailport Encrypted The Mailport can be hidden in the DeployHub database.
Mailport Override The Mailport can be changed.

SMS Details

Field Description
From The address of the sender. Typically, this is a shared address accessible to users who push deployments.
From Encrypted The From name can be hidden in the DeployHub database.
From Override The From name can be changed.

HipChat Details

DeployHub allows you to send notifications using Notifiers via HipChat Groups, Topics, or Room features. Notifications are defined to Components and Applications and inform the recipient(s) of the Component or Applications deployment’s success or failure.

Field Description
HTML If checked, will send email in HTML format.
HTML Override If checked will indicate the value can be overridden. This is used for ‘scripted’ notifications where the action editor includes a ’notify’ action.
Logfile The location of the log results between DeployHub and HipChat.
Logfile Encrypted The Logfile can be hidden in the DeployHub database.
Logfile Override The Logfile location can be changed.
Webhook The url for the group chat, topic chat, or chat room.
Webhook Encrypted The Webhook can be hidden in the DeployHub database.
Webhook Override The Webhook can be changed.

Assign your HipChat Notifier to an Application or Component from the Details section of the Application or Component Dashboard. For more information see:

Slack Details

DeployHub sends messages to Slack based on certain events using Notifiers. Below are the Slack details used when called by Notifiers.

Field Description
Channel A particular channel within a Workspace. These can be public, private, or shared.
Channel Encrypted If checked, the Channel can be hidden in the DeployHub Database.
Channel Override If checked, the Channel name can be changed.
Logfile The location of the log results between DeployHub and Slack.
Logfile Encrypted If checked, the Logfile can be hidden in the DeployHub database.
Logfile Override If checked, the Logfile location can be changed.
Webhook The url for the group chat, topic chat, or chat room.
Webhook Encrypted If checked, the Webhook can be hidden in the DeployHub database.
Webhook Override If checked, the Webhook can be changed.

Assign your Slack Notifier to an Application or Component from the Details section of the Application or Component Dashboard. For more information see:

Notifier Access Controls

The Access Section allows Users within designated Groups to update the Notifier in various ways. To add a Group to one of the access lists, drag and drop the Group from the Available Groups list onto desired access list. All Users who belong to a Group that appear in one of the Access lists will be granted access to the Notifier in the following ways:

Access Description
View Allows Users to see the Notifier. If the User does not belong to a Group in the View Access list, the Notifier will not appear in the List View.
Change This allows a User who belongs to any UserGroup in the list to change the attributes of the Notifier.
Send Allows Users to send an email.

Notifier Templates

You can create standard message templates for you Notifiers. For more information see: Notifier Templates.