Associate Environments

Associate Environments to Applications

Intro to Environments

A DeployHub Environment is a collection of Endpoints. Environments represent where you run your Application or where your Application is published. Environments often represent where development, test, or production code is running. An Environment could be a virtual cloud or artifact repository. Therefore, there is a many-to-many relationship between Environments and Endpoints, so that an Endpoint can be assigned to more than one Environment, and an Environment can contain many Endpoints.

This data establishes relationships that allow for mapping a vulnerability found at the Component level to the specific Environment and Endpoint where it is running.

Note: Because Endpoints are assigned to Environments, Endpoints must be created first.

Adding Environments Via Your CI/CD Workflow

The Ortelius open-source project Command Line Integration (CLI) automates the creation of Environments. When a deployment is logged, the CLI is passed the Application Version, Environment, and Endpoints. The CLI will automatically create Endpoints and Environments if they do not already exist. If no Endpoint is provided to the CLI, the name of the Endpoint will default to the Environment name. At least one Environment name must be passed to the CLI. To learn more, read the chapter CI/CD and DeployHub

You can also add Environments manually via the Dashboard.

Environments and Domains

Environments are associated to a Domain. You can assign Environments to any level of Domain. However, Environments are most commonly associated to a Project Domain used for Applications.

Use the List View to Add and Delete Environment

The Environment menu is on the left of the main panel. Select the Environment menu, to view a list of all Environments to which you have access. The Search bar, represented by a funnel icon, allows you to reorder Environments based on Name or Domain.

The Environments List View has the following Tabs.

Tab Description
Refresh Refreshes the browser.
Add Allows you to Add a new Environment.
Delete Deletes the selected item.
Reports Success or Failed Report: This report shows an ongoing list of all deployments to all Environments, regardless of Domain or Application with success or fail status. This report can be sorted based on the column for easy viewing. It can also be exported.

Double click on an item in the list to see the Dashboard view.

Use the Environment Dashboard to View and Edit

The Dashboard view displays all information related to a specific Environment. The Dashboard view has one additional tab option - Calendars. Below are the Details for an Environment.

Environment Details

Field Description
Full Domain The fully qualified name of the Domain, including all parent Domains. This is a required field.
Name The name of the Environment. Note: Duplicate Names are restricted. It is recommended that Environments be named in a specific manner, such as ‘DevEnv-Ortelius.’ This is a required field
Owner Type User or Group
Owner The owner defaults to the User or Group who created it.
Summary A short text description of the Environment.
Availability This field interacts with the Environment calendar making the Environment open for deployments at anytime, or closed for all deployments unless scheduled. The default value, “Always Available Unless Denied by Calendar”, allows the User to deploy Applications into the Environment unless there is an entry in the Calendar that prevents stops it. The other value, “Always Unavailable Unless Denied by Calendar”, doesn’t allow deployments unless a specific entry in the Calendar is approved.
Created Auto generated date and time the Environment was created.
Modified Auto generated date and time the Environment was last modified.

Endpoint Access Control

The Access Section allows Users within designated Groups to update the Environment. To add a Group to one of the access lists, drag and drop the Group from the Available Groups list onto desired access list. All Users who belong to a Group that appear in one of the Access lists will be granted access to the Environment in the following ways:

Access Description
View Allows the User to see the Environment. If the User does not belong to a Group in the View Access list, the Environment will not appear in the List View.
Change Allows the User to change the Environment’s characteristics i.e. Name, Summary, etc.
Create Calendar Entries Allows Users to control the Calendar for the selected Environment.
Deploy Allows Users to deploy Applications into the selected Environment.

Audit Trail

The Audit Trail displays audit entries for any changes that impact this Object.

  • Comment: Click on ‘Comment’ to add information. There is a field above the list labeled “Say something about this Object” that can have written comments placed into it, or files can be attached to the comment. Entering text into this field activates the Add Message button. Click to save the comment as a line in the list.

  • Add Files to Comments: Click on the paperclip icon to add a file to the message. Once done, click on the “Add Message” button. These attachments can later be retrieved by clicking on the paperclip icon which then displays the name of the file within a list. Choose the file to download it into the your default Download directory on your local computer.

Deployment Audits

For deployment audits, select a deployment number to see the details including:

Access Description
Log The output of the deployment.
Files Any files or objects deployed.
Step Duration Deployment Steps with time required to execute.
Feedback Loop Shows what was updated starting from Component.

When using the internal DeployHub deployment engine, all log output is automatically persisted with the Application Version and Component Version.

If you are using another deployment solution, you can persist the log via the CI/CD workflow. The output from the deployment can be passed to the CLI to be persisted with the Application Version and Component Versions. Learn more about the CI/CD CLI Integration

Key Value Configurations

Key Value pairs are stored for any configuration setting that needs to be persisted with the version of the Object. For example, pairs can be used to store issue numbers from Jira or GitHub issues with the Component Version and/or Applications Version.

For users of the DeployHub internal deployment engine, Key Value pairs can be stored by DeployHub and referenced during a deployment.

Key Value pairs can be assigned at multiple levels, from the Global Domain down to an individual Component and have a “scope.” Lower level Objects can override a higher level Object. Below is the order in which Key Value Pairs can be overridden:

Object Description
Global Contains all Environment variables and any “additional Key Value Pairs” set by the user when running that task.
Environment Overrides any Global Key Value Pairs during a deployment.
Application Overrides the Environment Key Value Pairs during a deployment.
Endpoint Overrides the Application Key Value Pairs during a deployment.
Component Overrides the Application Key Value Pairs during a deployed.

Key Value Pairs can be given any Name and a Value. Use +Add to add Key Value Pairs to the table. Use Save to confirm. Use the checkbox to Delete or Edit a Key Value Pair.

Assigned Endpoints

Note: You will need to have pre-defined your Endpoints. See the Define Your Endpoints chapter for more information.

Environments are a collection of Endpoints. Use this section to assign the Endpoints that will make up this Environment. Use +Add to create a new row in the Endpoints table. Use Save to commit the row. Select the row and use Edit or Delete to update or remove an Endpoint. When you add a new Endpoint the Hostname will be displayed. The Hostname is the actual network name or IP address. It is assigned when the Endpoint is defined, but is not a required field. If it is defined, it will be displayed in the row.

Assigned Applications

View all the Application Base Versions assigned to this Environment. This is read only. Applications Base Versions are associated to Environments when created using the Application Dashboard.

Deployed Components to Environment Map

This map shows you all of the current Component Versions, with Application Versions, that have been deployed to this Environment.

Environment Calendar

DeployHub users have access to “Smart” Calendars. For more information see DeployHub Smart Calendars.